package.01 :
When you get in touch with me to book your session, we will discuss together how the session will go. In reality, the best way to prepare for any session is to ask me all your questions as they come and not worry that they may be silly. No question is silly except the one we did not dare ask!
Although I mainly work in a documentary style, I also incorporate fun activities and suggestions to my session to ensure that you feel comfortable and that you are having fun! A photo session is as much about the photos as it is about the experience and memories you will have.
It is always important to plan ahead with children to ensure that the session goes smoothly, be it at home our outdoors.
Every session is different and we will decide together on which location(s) are best suited depending on your personality, desires, and timing. In terms of clothing, I just ask to limit the amount of different colors and patterns worn by everyone, but not to worry, we will go over that as well.